You moan about them in your kitchen, you are filled with horror and rage at their persistence in trying to feast off you, and you turn away in disgust when spotting them feeding on faeces.
They are everywhere, they are in their millions, and they are the best animals on the planet. Yes, indeed, these much-maligned creatures are some of the most morphologically diverse and ecologically important species alive. They have been shaping this planets evolution and are thanking are still helping all that is on the planet, including ourselves.
In this talk, Dr McAlister will highlight the morphology, ecology and how these have bio-inspired our species to better look after ourselves.
Brief Bio
Dr Erica McAlister is a Principal Curator, Diptera and Siphonaptera, at Natural History Museum, London. Her research focuses on museum Collections, conservation Issues, ecology, and all things Diptera. She has undertaken fieldwork across the globe and is currently working on new species descriptions.
As well as all of this she has published popular science books – The Secret Life of Flies, The Inside Out of Flies and the latest Metamorphosis: How Insects Changed the World) as well as appearing in and presenting on TV and Radio.
Standard Stuff
Talks are usually on the 4th Wednesday of every month, at 7:00 for 7:30, at The Winchester Club in Winchester. Please take a look at the FAQs for more info.
Admission is £5 which also gives you an entry in the book raffle. We take cash and major cards (cards preferred).
The event is in two parts – the talk and then a Q&A after the interval. We encourage you to support the venue by indulging in the available drinks before and during the event.
You are also welcome to join us for a drink in the bar after the event.