The Hampshire Skeptics Society is a non-profit organisation for the promotion of science, reason and critical thinking. We run the Winchester Skeptics In The Pub group who now meet at 7.00pm for 7:30 pm the 4th Wednesday of every month at The Winchester Club in Winchester.
Here is a video produced by 2nd year students at Southampton University, as a brief promotion for skepticism.
What is a skeptic ? Here is Dr. Steven Novella’s summary:
“A skeptic is one who prefers beliefs and conclusions that are reliable and valid to ones that are comforting or convenient, and therefore rigorously and openly applies the methods of science and reason to all empirical claims, especially their own. A skeptic provisionally proportions acceptance of any claim to valid logic and a fair and thorough assessment of available evidence, and studies the pitfalls of human reason and the mechanisms of deception so as to avoid being deceived by others or themselves. Skepticism values method over any particular conclusion.“
If you would like to contact us regarding an event or another matter then please drop us a quick email – details are on our Contact Page.
Committee Members
Dave is an electronics engineer, photographer and drummer. Also a serious physics nut and general all ’round Übergeek.
Dave is a founder and is President of the Hampshire Skeptics Society.
Crispian is an Orwell Prize longlisted blogger who enjoys dipping the reason stick in a fresh pile of steaming dog dirt and waving it in the general direction of irrational nonsense.
Crispian is a founder of the Hampshire Skeptics Society.
Clio is a retired medic, now international athlete. Clio feels this description (not hers!) may give a misleading impression, but is nontheless accurate. She says she can’t think of anything else clever or witty to say about herself, so we’ll just leave it at that.
Clio is the society’s Secretary and resident MC.
Malcolm used to be a software developer. He is a long term member of the skeptical commmunity and an enthusiastic keyboard and guitar player, happy to play to anyone willing to commit up front to irrevocable and unconditional appreciation.
Malcolm is the society’s Chair and is responsible for the web site and for regular mailings.
Jacqui is a Pharmacist who does not dispense any prescriptions. She has made a hobby out of trying new hobbies and is currently seeking out new hobbies for her collection.
Jacqui is the society’s Treasurer.
David works as a software developer for a company in Hampshire. He can’t believe they haven’t rumbled him yet. He is interested in science and technology, thanks mostly to watching Thunderbirds as a child.
David is responsible for Bookings.
Paul recently retired from architectural practice and should therefore now have more time for photography and other pursuits. You can find his Winchester Skeptics photos on Flickr: Link.
Paul is our Official Photographer
Marina is a graphics artist, and our Social Media Specialist.
In Memoriam
Sean was our treasurer for many years until his untimely death in November 2020.
He was a regular podcaster, member of OfQuack the official quackery watchdog.
Sean was a particularly loved and respected member of the Hampshire Skeptics Society, in the wider Skeptics community and beyond.
Rest in peace, Sean. We miss your wit, fierce intelligence, engagement, generosity and above all your kindness and your humanity.
There is a tribute to Sean here.