Our new venue is the Winchester Club.Highfield Lodge, Worthy Ln, Winchester SO23 7AB
We’ve enjoyed our stay in the Winchester Discovery Centre, now rebranded as the Arc. It has been our home since January 2012 where our 1st talk (and Winchester Skeptics 25th) was by Simon Singh. We had just moved from the Roebuck which we outgrew. It has served us exceedingly well and the staff have been particularly supportive through the years. We’re sure we’ll still be working with them from time to time.
Sadly the pandemic has dented our numbers (rising fortunately!), and that combined with significantly rising costs has nudged us into looking around. We’re delighted to have found a new home, also in Winchester and quite close.
So, as from October, Winchester Skeptics in the Pub will be presenting talks in the Winchester Club.
They’ve been most welcoming and we look forward to working with them.
We’ve prepared a little FAQ which we hope will answer any questions you may have. There will be a copy of these on our website, and we’ll try to keep it up to date with additional questions you may have.