Can you be brainwashed in 60 minutes?
After a sell-out run at Edinburgh Fringe and fresh off the back of hosting QED 2017, Skeptic regular Dave Alnwick tours his new show ‘Literally the Best Magician’.
Is Dave Literally the Best Magician? He certainly thinks so and intends to spend an hour proving it. Working through every genre of Magic, Dave hopes to ‘one up’ the classics of conjuring.
Ok, enough of this third person charade. I’m doing a Magic show. It’ll be really good, you should totally come. In the past I’ve focused on mentalism (y’know that Derren Brown mind reading business) but I thought I’d step away from that and have a go at old school stuff. It’s not easy making tricks with rope, tissues and post-it notes interesting but I’m pretty sure I’ve smashed it.
“He is the kind of performer who could probably make reading the dictionary into an entertaining show” –
I’ll even do a talk after the show about Magic. I’ll teach you a trick. We’ll do a Q&A. Maybe have a drink. It’ll be dope.
See you there.
Can you be brainwashed in 60 minutes? Dave wants you to join his cult and promises to teach you all of his mind-reading powers in return.
About Dave
Magician and Comedian Dave Alnwick is a 7 year Edinburgh Fringe veteran and frequently performs to packed out crowds throughout the UK. In 2017 Dave hosted the QED conference in Manchester; he has also performed at over a dozen Skeptics in the Pub groups nationwide.
Dave combines Magic & Mentalism with a healthy dose of scepticism.
Instagram @davealnwick Twitter @davealnwick Website