22nd January – Prof. Andrew Knight – Vegan pet food

Vegan pet food: a diet change revolution begins

Vegan pet foods use plant, mineral and synthetic sources to supply necessary nutrients, and the vegan food sector is rapidly growing. Very recent, large-scale studies into health outcomes, environmental sustainability and other key consumer concerns are supporting the emergence of a new disruptive vegan pet food industry.

At least 20% of livestock environmental impacts in wealthy nations such as the US and UK appear due to pet food. Global implementation of vegan dog foods alone would spare from slaughter six billion land animals annually, save more greenhouse gases than emitted by the whole of the UK, and would free sufficient food energy to feed the entire EU human population.

Eleven studies now exist in dogs, and three in cats, showing equivalent or superior health outcomes when vegan pet foods are used.

Veterinary Professor Andrew Knight is one of the leading researchers in this field. He will summarise key recent research and developments, which are proving game-changing for the plant-based diet and sustainability sectors.

This is no longer just about human consumption; pet diets are now an important part of this field.


Prof. Andrew Knight BSc (Vet Biol), BVMS, MANZCVS, DipECAWBM (AWSEL), DipACAW, PhD (Griff.), PhD (Winch.), FRCVS, PFHEA  is a veterinary Professor of Animal Welfare affiliated with the Murdoch University School of Veterinary Medicine and Griffith University, both in Australia, and with the University of Winchester in the UK.

An experienced small animal veterinarian, he s also a UK, European, American and New Zealand Veterinary Specialist in animal welfare.

In 2024 he received a PhD focused on vegan pet food (health, behavioural and environmental implications). He also received a PhD in 2010 critiquing scientific and educational animal use.

He has around 150 academic and 80 popular publications, and an extensive series of social media videos and several websites (including www.sustainablepetfood.info), on vegan companion animal diets, climate change and the livestock sector, invasive animal research, educational animal use, humane clinical and surgical skills training, and other animal welfare issues.

His studies on vegan pet food are regularly reported in news outlets globally. He often works with animal advocacy charities, and is frequently interviewed by the media. He has received over 20 awards and research grants for this work.

Standard Stuff

Talks are usually (December is always an exception) on the 4th Wednesday of every month,  at 7:00 for 7:30, at The Winchester Club in Winchester.  Please take a look at the FAQs for more info.

Admission is £5 which also gives you an entry in the book raffle. We take cash and major cards (cards preferred).

The event is in two parts – the talk and then a Q&A after the interval. We encourage you to support the venue by indulging in the available drinks before and during the event.

You are also welcome to join us for a drink in the bar after the event