Thursday 28th September – Carmen D’Cruz: “How to get more people interested in science”

Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry St. 7.00 for 7.30pm

Have you ever wondered how to inspire non-science people with science, technology, and critical thinking?

Despite aspirations to attract people from outside science, events like Skeptics in the Pub, Cafe Scientifique and Science Showoff are typically filled with people who already have science degrees rather than the people who could potentially gain the most from them.

This talk explores how the science community and the general public can work together to get more people coming to events like this and encourage the nation as a whole to embrace critical thinking.

Carmen D’Cruz is one of the organisers and co-hosts of London Skeptics in the Pub, an award winning monthly event. Like other Skeptics in the Pub groups, they cover science, technology, history, philosophy and related current affairs. Carmen has worked with groups from all over the world on evidence based campaigns and events, giving talks about critical thinking and the wonders of science for beginners and would-be experts alike.





Thursday 31st August – Prof Chris Lintott: “From Penguins to Peas: Ten years of Galaxy Zoo”

Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry St. 7.00 for 7.30pm

Chris Lintott is a Professor of Astrophysics in the Department of Physics at Oxford University. He is involved in a number of popular science projects aimed at bringing astronomy to a wider audience. He is probably best known as the main presenter of the BBC series, The Sky At Night.

Zooniverse is a citizen science web portal, home to some of the internet’s largest, most popular and most successful citizen science projects. The organization started out as the Galaxy Zoo project and now hosts a wide range of projects which allow members of the public to volunteer and participate actively in scientific research. Zooniverse has it headquarters at Oxford University and the Adler Planetarium.

Since evolving out of the Galaxy Zoo, Zooniverse projects have covered astronomy, ecology, cell biology, humanities, and climate science.

Join us on the 31st August to see “From Penguins to Peas: Ten years of Galaxy Zoo”, where Chris Lintott will be talking about the interesting and weird things that citizen scientists using the Zooniverse have found.




Thursday 27th July – Colin Stuart – “13 Journeys Through Space and Time”

 Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry St. 7 for 7.30pm


Tim Peake’s recent visit to the International Space Station has placed a fresh spotlight on the latest developments in space exploration. But space travel is still a pretty new area of human endeavour and our ideas about what and who might be out there have constantly shifted over the years. One place this is particularly apparent is in the famous Christmas Lectures held by the Royal Institution each year.

Last year Colin was lucky enough to rummage around in their archives and write a book about 13 of the lectures devoted to space and time. The first was delivered way back in 1881. The last was the 2015 lectures featuring a message from Tim from orbit. And how our ideas have changed. In this talk Colin will be sharing some of the stories from the lectures, along with some of his favourite anecdotes about digging through the archives including finding Carl Sagan’s immigration form and Dewar’s radioactive notebooks.

Strap in for more than 100 years of astronomical discovery.

This event is also part of Winchester Science Festival 2017


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